I Luca F., Odyniec W.P. The characterisation of Van Kampmen-Flores complexes by means of system of diopantine equations

II Poroshkin A. G. On the problem of order continuity of Choquet functional

III Andryukova V. Yu., Tarasov V. N. Some problems of stability of elastic system

IV Antonova N. A. Dynamics of two demensional pulse-width modulated control system

V Belyaeva N. A., Gorst D. L., Khudaev S. I. Cuat nonuniform flow of the structured liquid

VI Golovach P. A. L(2,1)-coloring of precolored cacti

VII Mikhailovskii E. I., Ermolenko A. V., Mironov V. V. Elements of the applied tensor analysis in the deformed bodies

VIII Mikhailovskii E. I., Nilitenkov V. L., Chernykh K. F. On some aspects of the account of transversal deformations in the theory of shells and plates

IX Pevnyi A. B. Multiresolution analysis in the space of square summable discrete signals

X Poleshikov S. M., Kholopov A. A. The problem of optimal positions for a triple of four-dimensional orts

XI Kholmogorov D. V. Supercritical behavior of a substantianed plate

XII Khudyaev S. I. Symmetrical flaming on phase transform conditions

XIII Chernykh K. F. On anisotropic nonlinear elasticity

XIV Mikhailovskii E. I., Osipova O. P. About one a form of dynamic equilibrium of compressed part for drill column

XV Mikhailovskii E. I., Tulubenskaya E. V. The influence of transversal deformation on the frequency spectrum of round plate

XVI Somorodnitski A. A., Kotelina N. O. Systems of generators in measure spaces

XVII Somorodnitski A. A., Muravjev A. A. Kakutani-Oxtoby theorem in the non-separable

XVIII Tarasov V. N., Loginov I. N. The influence of boundary conditions to lamina’s stability with rigid constraints on displacement

XIX Kholopov A. A., Stenina N. A. A continuous model of equipment replacing problem

XX Zvonilov V. I. Rigid isotopy classificatin of real algebraic curves of bidegree (4,3) on a hyperboloid