About journal

The journal is published 4 times a year.

The journal publishes the results of research in the field of theoretical and applied mathematics, mechanics and computer science, reflecting the spectrum of scientific topics of the Institute of Exact Sciences and Information Technologies of Syktyvkar State University and other organizations whose articles are placed in the “Bulletin”.

The goal is to highlight issues that are relevant for discussion in the Russian and international community and to publish research papers that contribute to the development of mathematical education and the formation of mathematics in Russia as an advanced field of knowledge.

The main topics and specialization of the journal are articles on the theory, practice and organization of teacher education (primarily in classical universities and other non-pedagogical universities); new information technologies in education; continuous and distance education.

In the section “Mathematics” we publish papers on functional analysis, topology, probability theory, mathematical physics.

The section “Applied Mathematics and Mechanics” is formed by works in the field of methods for solving boundary value problems, control theory and optimization methods, operations research, graph theory, spline and wavelet theory, finite-dimensional frames (applied mathematics) and in the mechanics of deformable solids and viscoelastic polymer systems (Mechanics).

In the section “Computer Science” articles on computer graphics, as well as processing, storage, transmission and protection of information are published.

An important component of the “Bulletin” is the section “Mentor-Student”, intended for publication of works by beginning researchers (students, undergraduates, graduate students).

There are also the sections “Brief scientific reports”, “Easy reading for a professional”, “Methodological materials”, “The Chronicle of University Life”, “Jubilee Dates”.

The journal is registered as a media, PI No. FS77-77565 dated September 17, 2009.

Materials posted on this site are copies of the printed collection.

Information about the Bulletin

Adress: 167001, Komi, Syktyvkar, Oktyabrskii pr.., 55

e-mail: vestnik-mmi@syktsu.ru

Phone: +7(8212) 390-377

indexed in zbMath;