I. Andryukova V. Yu., Tarasov V. N. Constructive-nonlinear problems stability of rods and rings
Analytical solutions of the stability problem of rods of compressible longitudinal force in an elastic medium, the deflections of which on the one hand are limited by a rigid obstacle, are obtained. The problem of the stability of a circular ring compressed by uniformly distributed central forces with one-sided constraints on displacements is considered.
Keywords: stability, circular ring, rod, one-sided restrictions.
- Andryukova V. Yu. Nekotorye konstruktivno-nelineynye zadachi ustoychivosti uprugikh sistem pri odnostoronnikh ogranicheniyakh na peremeshcheniya (Some constructive non-linear problems of stability of elastic systems with one-sided constraints on displacements), Computational mechanics of continuous media, Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UB RAS, 2014, No. 4, pp. 412–422.
- Tarasov V. N. Metody optimizatsii v issledovanii konstruktivno-nelineynykh zadach mekhaniki uprugikh sistem (Optimization Methods in the Study of Structurally Nonlinear problems of mechanics of elastic systems), Syktyvkar: Komi Scientific Center UB RAS, 2013, 238 p.
For citation:Andryukova V. Yu., Tarasov V. N. Constructive-nonlinear problems stability of rods and rings, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2018, 4 (29), pp. 4–11.

II. Golovataya O. S., Petrakov A. P., Shilov S. V. The calculation of hazardous areas explosion of tanks with liquefied gas
In the work the simulation of the damaging effect of shock wave in the explosion of liquefied gaswas carried out. Amendments to the normative method of calculationare made. Cases of transportation ofgases in automobile tanks and their stationary placement are considered. The method of estimation of hazardous zones of industrial buildings is given.
Keywords: shock wave, defeat, liquefied gas.
- Gazovozy. Avtotsisterny SUG (Gas carrier. Tankers), Liquefied petroleum gas. URL: https://rodisgroup.ru (date of the application: 28.11.2018).
- Zashchita ob’yektov narodnogo khozyaystva ot oruzhiya massovogo porazheniya (Protection of objects of national economy from weapons of mass destruction), a Handbook, G. P. Demidenko, 2nd ed. Kiev, HighSchoolPubl., 1989, 287 p.
- Ivkina M. A. Analiz «Metodiki otsenki posledstviy avariynykh vzryvov toplivno-vozdushnykh smesey» («Methods of estimation of consequences of emergency fuel-air mixtures explosions»), Safety in emergency situations. Proc. of the VIII all-Russian scientific-practical conference, Saint-Petersburg, Polytechnical University Publ., 2017, pp. 380–382.
- Rachevsky B. S. Szhizhennyye uglevodorodnyye gazy (Liquefied petroleum gases), Moscow, Oil and gas Publ, 2009, 164p.
- Rukovodstvo po bezopasnosti «Metodika otsenki posledstviy avariynykh vzryvov toplivno-vozdushnykh smesey» (Safety Guide «Methods for assessing the effects of emergency explosions of fuel-air mixtures»), series 27, issue 15, Moscow, Closed Joint Stock Company «Scientific and Technical Center for the Study of Industrial Safety Problems», 2015, 44 p.
- Staskevich N. L, Sevyarynets G. N., Vigdorchik D. Ya. Spravochnik po gazosnabzheniyu i ispol’zovaniyu gaza (Handbook of gas supply and use of gas), Leningrad, NedraPubl, 1990, 762 p.
- Hramov G. N. Goreniye i vzryv (Burning and explosion), Saint-Petersburg, St. Petersburg State Technical UniversityPubl, 2007, 278 p.
For citation:Golovataya O. S., Petrakov A. P., Shilov S. V. The calculation of hazardous areas explosion of tanks with liquefied gas, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2018, 4 (29), pp. 12–23.

III. Kholopov A. A. Suboptimal parameters in the method of additive splitting
An equation in a Banach space with continuous linear operator is solved by splitting A to some parts and using an appropriate iteration procedure. The suboptimal parameters of the splitting extend the spectral domain of convergence along the real axis as much as possible up to a small parameter.
Keywords: operator equation, spectral domain of convergence, suboptimal parameters.
- Nikitenkov V. L., Kholopov A. A. Optimal’nyye oblasti skhodimosti lineynykh mnogosloynykh iteratsionnykh protsedur (Optimal areas of convergence of linear multilayer iterative procedures), Voprosy funktsional’nogo analiza (teoriya mer, uporyadochennyye prostranstva, operatornyye uravneniya): mezhvuz. sb. nauch. tr. (Questions of functional analysis (measure theory, ordered spaces, operator equations): Interst. Sat scientific tr.), Syktyvkar: Sykt. un-t 1991, pp. 134–142.
- Nikitenkov V. L., Kholopov A. A. Optimal’nyye parametry metoda additivnogo rasshchepleniya (MAR) (The optimal parameters of the method of additive splitting (MAP)), Bulletin of the Syktyvkar University, ser. 1, 2010, no. 12, pp. 53–70.
- Nikitenkov V. L., Kholopov A. A. Tochnyye formuly dlya optimal’nykh parametrov MAR (Exact formulas for optimal MAR parameters), Bulletin of Syktyvkar University, ser. 1, 2011, no. 14, pp. 67–94.
For citation:Kholopov A. A. Suboptimal parameters in the method of additive splitting, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1:Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2018, 4 (29), pp. 24–33.

IV. Isayeva S. E. The initial boundary value problem for one system with acoustic transmission conditions
In this work we consider the initial-boundary value problem for one system of hyperbolic equations with acoustic transmission conditions. We prove the existence of weak solutions for this problem. Faedo-Galerkin method is used.
Keywords: acoustic transmission conditions, Dirichlet boundary condition, initial-boundary value problem, weak solution, Faedo-Galerkin method.
- Beale J. T., Rosencrans I. Acoustic boundary conditions, Bull. Amer. Math.Soc., 1974, 80, pp. 1276–1278.
- Beale J. T. Spectral properties of an acoustic boundary condition, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 1976, 25, pp. 895–917.
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- Jeong J. M., Park J. Y., Kang Y. H. Global nonexistence of solutions for a quasilinear wave equation with acoustic boundary conditions, Jeong et al. Boundary Value Problems, 2017, 42, pp. 1–10.
- Lions J. L., Magenes E. Neodnorodnyye granichnyye zadachi i ikh prilozheniya (Inhomogeneous boundary value problems and their applications). Moscow, World Publ., 1971, 357 p.
For citation:Isayeva S. E. The initial boundary value problem for one system with acoustic transmission conditions, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2018, 4 (29), pp. 34–42.

V. Chernov V. G. Multi-criteria alternative choice based on fuzzy conditional inference rules
The solution of the problem of multi-criteria alternative choice in the conditions of non-statistical uncertainty based on the rules of fuzzy conditional inference, when the evaluation of alternatives by criteria are in the form of fuzzy linguistic statements, and the solution is not based on the convolution of criteria in the conditional part of the rules, and on the convolution of particular implications for the criteria.
Keywords: multicriteria alternative choice, fuzzy set, membership function, fuzzy conditional inference, implication.
- Borisov A. N., Krumberg O. A., Fedorov I. P. Prinyatie reshenij na osnove nechetkih modelej: primery ispol’zovaniya (Fuzzy model-based decision making: examples of use), Riga: Zinatne Publ., 1990, 184 p.
- Babuska R., Verbruggen H. B. A new’ identification method for linguistic fuzzy models, Proceedings of the International Conference FUZZ-IEEE/IFES’95, Yokohama, Japan, 1995, pp. 905–912.
- Chernov V. G. Modifikaciya algoritmov upravleniya, ispol’zuyushchih pravila nechetkogo uslovnogo vyvoda (Modifification of control algorithms using rules of fuzzy conditional conclusion), Information management systems, 2013, no. 3(64), pp. 23–29.
For citation:Chernov V. G. Multi-criteria alternative choice based on fuzzy conditional inference rules, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University.Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2018, 4 (29), pp. 43–49.

VI. Shuchalina A. V. Development of a voluntary collection system of user’s data by means of messengers on the example of a task on determining places of the hogweed’s growing
The article describes the current phenomenon of Citizen Science, discusses the rationale for the use of instant messengers in data collection for the existing civil science project DIPS (Distribution of Invasive Plant Species), as well as the creation and use of chat bots using the Telegram example.
Keywords: citizen science, messengers, bot, data collection, hogweed.
- 10 Principles of Citizen Science. URL: https://ecsa.citizen-science.net/engage-us/10-principles-citizenscience (date of the application 06.12.2018).
- List of citizen science projects. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_citizen_science_projects (date of the application 07.12.2018).
- Schroterab M., Kraemerab R., Mantelab M., Kabischabc N., Heckerab S., Richterab A., Neumeierab V., Bonnabd A. Citizen science for assessing ecosystem services: Status, challenges and opportunities, Ecosystem Services, 2010, v. 28, pp. 80–94. URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212041617302462 (date of the application 06.12.2018).
- Grazhdanskaya nauka v pomoshch’ specialistam (Civil science in the help of the experts ). URL: https://newtonew.com/science/citizen-science (date of the application 06.12.2018).
- Dal’keh I. V., CHadin I. F., Zahozhij I. G., Madi E. G., Kirillov D. V. Podhody v modelirovanii geograficheskih predelov rasprostraneniya invazivnyh vidov na primere Heracleum Sosnowskyi Manden v taezhnoj zone evropejskojchasti Rossii (Approaches to modeling geographical limits of invasive species distribution on the example of HeracleumSosnowskyiManden in the taiga zone of the European part of Russia ), The study of adventive and synanthropic flora of Russia and CIS countries: results, problems of prospects: materials of the International scientific conference, Izhevsk, 2017, pp. 48–51. URL: http://proborshevik.ru/wpcontent/uploads/2016/11/ Dalke_e_a_Izevsk_2017.pdf (date of the application 07.12.2018).
- Dal’keh I. V., CHadin I. F., Zahozhij I. G. Sbor i analiz dannyh o rasprostranenii borshchevika Sosnovskogo na territorii Respubliki Komi (Collection and analysis of data on the distribution of Sosnovsky cow parsnip in the Republic of Komi), Biodiagnostics of the state of natural and man-made systems: Proceedings of the XIV all-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation, Kirov, 2016, vol. 1, pp. 11–14. URL: http://proborshevik.ru/wpcontent/uploads/ 2017/12/Dalke_IV_e_a_Kirov_2016.pdf (date of the application 07.12.2018).
- Nuzhna li razrabotkamobil’nogoprilozheniya internet-magazina (Do you need to develop a mobile application for the online store?) URL: https:// www.insales.ru/blogs/university/prilozhenie (date of the application 09.12.2018).
- Roboty (Robots), Documentation of Telegram. URL: https:// tjournal.ru/tech/56573-svyaznoy-bot-quest (date of the application 16.12.2018).
- «Svyaznoj» zapustil v Telegram kvest pro lyubov’ nakanune Hehllouina («Svyaznoj» launched a telegram quest about love on the eve of Halloween). URL: https://tjournal. ru/tech/56573- svyaznoy-bot-quest (date of the application 16.12.2018).
For citation:Shuchalina A. V. Development of a voluntary collection system of user’s data by means of messengers on the example of a task on determining places of the hogweed’s growing, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2018, 4 (29), pp. 50–59.

VII. Voevodin V. A., Zabolotni A. S., Nastinovn E. O. Training complex to prepare for the practical security audit
The features of master’s training in the program «Audit of information security of automated systems», the relevance of the implementation of educational and methodical complex for the organization of business games and the acquired advantages, the approach to the formalization of the object of audit. The results are reported.
Keywords: audit, information security, business game.
- Federal’nyy zakon ot 30.12.2008 N 307-FZ (red. ot 23.04.2018) «Obauditorskoy deyatel’nosti» (Federal law of 30.12.2008 N 307-FZ (asamended on 04.23.2018) «On Auditing »), Art. 1, p. 2
- GOST R ISO/MEK 27006-2006. Informatsionnaya tekhnologiya. Metody i sredstva obespecheniya bezopasnosti. Trebovaniya k organam, osushchestvlyayushchim audit i sertifikatsiyu sistem menedzhmenta informatsionnoy bezopasnosti (GOST R ISO / IEC 27006-2006. Information technology. Methods and means of security. Requirements for bodies performing the audit and certification of information security management systems), Enter 2008-18-12, No. 524-st, Moscow: Standardinform Publ., 2010, 35 p.
- GOST R ISO/MEK 27004-2012. Informatsionnaya tekhnologiya. Metody i sredstva obespecheniya bezopasnosti. Menedzhment informatsionnoy bezopasnosti (GOST R ISO / IEC 27004-2012. Informationtechnology. Methods and means of security. Information Security Management. Measurements), Enter 2011-01-12 № 681-ст, Moscow: Standardinform Publ., 2012, 55 p.
- Abramova G. S., Stepanovich V. A. Delovyye igry: teoriya i organizatsiya (Business games: theory and organization), Ekaterinburg: Business book Publ., 1999, 192 p.
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- Corneli D., Danoff Ch. Paragogika: sinergiya samostoyatel’noy i organizovannoy uchebnoy deyatel’nosti (Paragogik: Synergy of Independent and Organized Learning Activities), Per. I, Travkina, Management problems in social systems, 2014, t. 7, vol. 11, pp. 84–97.
- Clear J. Sistemologiya. Avtomatizatsiya resheniya sistemnykh zadach (Systematology. Automation of solving system problems), Moscow: Radio and communication Publ., 1990, 544 p.
- Panfilova A. P. Igrotekhnicheskiy menedzhment. Interaktivnyye tekhnologii dlya obucheniya i organizatsionnogo razvitiya personala (Igrotechnical management. Interactive technologies for staff training and organizational development), Tutorial, SPb IVESEP, 2003, 536 p.
- Patarakin E. Sotsial’nyye vzaimodeystviya i setevoye obucheniye 2.0 (Social Interactions and Networked Learning 2.0), Moscow: NP «Modern technologies in education and culture», 2009, 176 p.
- Platov V. Ya. Delovyye igry: razrabotka, organizatsiya i provedeniye (Business games: development, organization and implementation: Textbook), Moscow: Profizdat Publ., 1991, 156 p.
For citation: Voevodin V. A., Zabolotni A. S., Nastinovn E. O. Training complex to prepare for the practical security audit, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2018, 4 (29), pp. 60–71.

VIII. Voevodin V. A., Zabolotni A. S., Nastinovn E. O. The object model for audit information security
It is reported about the relevance of information security audit in solving the problem of information security. Models of a problem situation are given, its philosophical description, formal model of object of audit is given. A General statement of the task of evaluating the effectiveness of the allocated forces and funds is carried out, the concept of a monitoring channel is introduced, the results of research and the promising direction of research will be reported.
Keywords: audit, information security, the model of the object of the audit, audit evidence, channel monitoring.
- Anfilatov V. S., Emelyanov A., Kukushkin A. A. Sistemnyy analiz v upravlenii (System analysis in management), Moscow, Finance and statistics Publ., 2002, 368 p.
- GOST R ISO/MEK 27004-2012. Informatsionnaya tekhnologiya. Metody i sredstva obespecheniya bezopasnosti. Menedzhment informatsionnoy bezopasnosti. Izmereniya (GOST R ISO/IEC 27004-2012.Information technology. Methods and means of security. Information security management), Measurements-Enter. 2011-01-12 №681-St. Moscow: Standrtinform Publ., 2012, 55 p.
- Clear J. Sistemologiya. Avtomatizatsiya resheniya sistemnykh zadach (Systemology. Automation of solving system problems), Moscow: Radio and communication Publ., 1990, 544 p.
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- Nadezhnost’ i effektivnost’ v tekhnike: Spravochnik (Reliability and efficiency in engineering: a Handbook), vol. 3 the Effectiveness oftechnical systems, Under. Edition of V. F. Utkin, Y. V. Kryuchkova, Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1988, 328 p.
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For citation:Voevodin V. A., Zabolotni A. S., Nastinovn E. O. The object model for audit information security, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2018, 4 (29), pp. 72–82.

IX. Isakov V. N., Odyniec W. P. Popov Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich (on his seventieth birthday)
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For citation:Isakov V. N., Odyniec W. P. Popov Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich (on his seventieth birthday), Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2018, 4 (29), pp. 83–94.