I. Babenko M. V. Pierce stalks of semirings with some finiteness conditions
DOI: 10.34130/1992-2752_2021_3_4
Babenko Marina − Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Vyatka State University, e-mail: usr11391@vyatsu.ru
Let ϕ be an automorphism of the semiring S, the set of central complemented idempotents BS be finite, ϕ(e) = e for any e ∈ BS, and R = S[x, ϕ] be skew polynomial semiring. Then S is Noetherian iff every Pierce stalk of the semiring R satisfies ascending chain condition of monic ideals and the set of all central complemented idempotents of every Pierce stalk is finite. We also obtain a description of regular symmetric semirings and Boolean semirings in terms of Pierce stalks of skew polynomial semirings.
Keywords: skew polynomial semiring, monic ideal, Pierce stalk.
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For citation: Babenko M. V. Pierce stalks of semirings with some finiteness conditions. Bulletin of Syktyvkar University, Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2021, No. 3 (40), pp. 4−20. DOI: 10.34130/1992-2752_2021_3_4

II. Gromov N. A., Kostyakov I. V., Kuratov V. V. Coherent evolution of qutrit
DOI: 10.34130/1992-2752_2021_3_21
Gromov Nikolai − Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Komi Science Center, Ural RAS Department, email: gromov@dm.komisc.ru
Kostyakov Igor − Researcher at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Komi Science Center, Ural RAS Department, e-mail: kostyakov@dm.komisc.ru
We consider the time variation of the density matrix of a three-level quantum system with the symmetry of the Lie algebra su(3), interacting with an external field in such a way that the coherence property is preserved. The commutatation relations in the algebra of observables in this case also change and in the limit can pass to another algebra.
Keywords: open quantum system, algebra of observables, qutrit, coherence, contraction of Lie algebras.
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For citation: Gromov N. A., Kostyakov I. V., Kuratov V. V. Coherent evolution of qutrit.. Bulletin of
Syktyvkar University, Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2021, No. 3 (40), pp. 21−40. DOI: 10.34130/1992- 2752_2021_3_21

III. Golchevskiy Yu. V., Nepein A. V. Design and development of a chatbot for presenting a schedule in a social network
DOI: 10.34130/1992-2752_2021_3_41
Golchevskiy Yuriy − PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Head of Information Systems Department, Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, e-mail: yurygol@mail.ru
Nepeyin Andrey Vladimirovich − student, Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, e-mail: ise@syktsu.ru
The paper presents a study of the problem of delivering schedules to the educational process participants based on the design and development of a chatbot for a social network. The
business process of schedule creating was modeled, the platforms for implementing dialog interfaces (chatbots) were analyzed, the software architecture and database were designed and developed, as well as some aspects of implementing the software interaction interface.
Keywords: chatbot, schedule, educational institution, software architecture, social network.
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- Krasilnikov R. B., Golchevskiy Yu. V. Non-periodic approach to organizing and presenting electronic timetable. Dvadtsat shestaia godichnaia sessiia Uchenogo soveta SGU im. Pitirima Sorokina (Fevralskie chteniia) [Twenty-sixth Annual Session of the Academic Council of SyktSU (February Readings)]: sbornik materialov [collection of materials]: tekstovoe nauchnoe elektronnoe izdanie na kompakt-diske. Syktyvkar: Izd-vo SGU im. Pitirima Sorokina, 2019. Pp. 471–476.
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For citation: Golchevskiy Yu. V., Nepein A. V. Design and development of a chatbot for presenting a schedule in a social network. Bulletin of Syktyvkar University, Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2021, No. 3 (40), pp. 41−61. DOI: 10.34130/1992-2752_2021_3_41

IV. Aslanov R. M., Ignatushina I. V. To the 685th anniversary of the birth of Regiomontanus
DOI: 10.34130/1992-2752_2021_3_62
Aslanov Ramiz − PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, e-mail: r_aslanov@list.ru
Ignatushina Inessa − PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Orenburg State Pedagogical University, email: streleec@yandex.ru
The article is devoted to the life of the outstanding German mathematician and astronomer Johann M¨uller (Regiomontanus), his scientific heritage and role in the development of modern mathematics and astronomy, as well as the book “Five books about triangles of all kinds”.
Keywords: life, mathematics, astronomy, trigonometry, calendar.
- Belyi Iu. A. Iogann Miuller (Regiomontan). 1436–1476 [Iohann M¨uller (Regiomontanus). 1436–1476]. M.: Nauka,128 p.
- Matvievskaia G.P. Ocherki istorii trigonometrii: Drevniaia Gretsiia. Srednevekovyi Vostok. Pozdnee Srednevekove [Essays on the History of Trigonometry: Ancient Greece. Medieval East. Late Middle Ages]. M.: Knizhnyi dom “Librokom”, 2012. 160 p.
- Tsinner E. Three manuscripts of Regiomontanus from the Archive of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Istoriko-astronomicheskie issledovaniia [Historical and astronomical research]. M., 1962. Vyp. VIII. Pp. 373-380.
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For citation: Aslanov R. M., Ignatushina I. V. To the 685th anniversary of the birth of Regiomontanus. Bulletin of Syktyvkar University, Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2021, No. 3 (40), pp. 62−70. DOI: 10.34130/1992- 2752_2021_3_62

V. Oditets V. P. About a forgotten Leningrad topologist
DOI: 10.34130/1992-2752_2021_3_71
Odinets Vladimir − PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin, e-mail: W.P.Odyniec@mail.ru
The life and work of Leningrad topologist Lvovsky Vyacheslav Dmitrievich (1899−1937) is described. He, along with B. I. Delone (1890−1980), O. R. Zhytomirsky (1891−1942), V. I. Milinsky (1898−1942), A. A. Markov (1903−1979) and later with A. D. Aleksandrov, stood at the origins of the Leningrad school of geometry and topology
Keywords: one-sided surface, closed double line, Boy surface, closed two-sided space, homeomorphisms of domains, Heegaard diagram.
- Nauka i nauchnye rabotniki v SSSR. CH. V. Nauchnye rabotniki Leningrada, Spravochnik / sost. pod ruk. S. F. Oldenburga [Science and scientific workers in the USSR. Part V. Scientific Workers of Leningrad: Handbook] Leningrad: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1926. 437 p.
- Voitsekhovskii M. I. Formula Kronekera. Matematicheskaia entsiklopediia [Kronecker’s formula.
The Encyclopedia of Mathematics] M.: Izd-vo «Sovetskaia entsiklopediia». 1982. Vol. 3. 1183 p. - Lvovskii V. D. Some homeomorphisms of regions of three-dimensional space. Trudy 2-go Vsesoiuznogo matematicheskogo sieezda. T. 2. Sektsionnye doklady [Proceedings of the 2nd All-Union Mathematical Congress. Vol. 2. Section papers]. M.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1936. Pp. 129-131.
- Lvovskii V. D. Heegaard’s diagram and the fundamental group. Trudy 2-go Vsesoiuznogo matematicheskogo sieezda. T. 2. Sektsionnye doklady [Proceedings of the 2nd All-Union Mathematical Congress. Vol. 2. Section papers] M.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1936. Pp. 131-135.
- Odinets V. P. O leningradskikh matematikakh, pogibshikh v 1941-1944 godakh [On the Leningrad mathematicians who died in 1941−1944.]. Syktyvkar: Izd-vo SGU im. Pitirima Sorokina. 2020. 122 p.
For citation: Oditets V. P. About a forgotten Leningrad topologist. Bulletin of Syktyvkar University, Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2021, No. 3 (40), pp. 71−82. DOI: 10.34130/1992-2752_2021_3_71

VI. Zhubr A. V. Alexander Nikolaevich Tikhomirov (on his 70th birthday)
DOI: 10.34130/1992-2752_2021_3_83
Zhubr Alexey − Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Leading Researcher, Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Komi Scientific Center, Ural RAS Department Ignatushina Inessa − PhD in Physi
The article is dedicated to A. N. Tikhomirov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Chief Scientific Associate of the Komi Scientific Center Institute of Physics and Mathematics.
Keywords: Alexander Nikolaevich Tikhomirov
For citation: Zhubr A. V. Alexander Nikolaevich Tikhomirov (on his 70th birthday). Bulletin of Syktyvkar University, Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2021, No. 3 (40), pp. 83−86. DOI: 10.34130/1992- 2752_2021_3_83