I Kalinin S. I., Leonteva N. V. .(1/2; 1)-convex function. Part 2.
DOI: 10.34130/1992-2752_2020_3_04
Kalinin Sergey — Doctor of Education, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Department of Fundamental Mathematics, Vyatka State University, e-mail: kalinin_gu@mail.ru
Leonteva Natalia — Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of mathematics and computer science, Glazovsky state pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Korolenko, e-mail: leonteva-natalia-0812@yandex.ru
This article studies the (1/2; 1)-convex functions properties. Especially the paper describes that within the (1/2; 1)-convexity interspace this functions are continuous. Classical Hermite-Hadamard inequality analogue for the convex and concave functions on the segment are introduced. Besides
for discussed functions Jensen’s inequality and his analogue are proved.
Keywords: convex functions, concave functions, Hermite-Hadamard inequality, Jensen’s inequality.
- Kalinin S. I., Leontieva N. V. (1/2; 1)-vypuklyve funktsii ( (1/2; 1) convex functions. Part I)), Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2018, > 1 (26), pp. 97-104.
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For citation: Kalinin S. I., Leonteva N. V. (1/2; 1)-convex function. Part 2., Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2020, 3 (36), pp. 4-23.

II Komarov I. A., Makarov Р. A., Ustyugov V. A. On the free mechanical vibrations in a drv-friction system
DOI: 10.34130/1992-2752_2020_3_24
Komarov Ilja — Student, Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, e-mail: mkrvpa@gmail.com
Makarov Pavel — Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Radio Physics and Electronics, Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, e-mail: mkrvpa@gmail.com
Ustyugov Vladimir — Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Department of Radiophysics and Electronics, Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, e-mail: ustyugovva@gmail.com
The basic model of free oscillations with dry friction is developed. The classification of free oscillatory systems is performed. The inhomogeneous Lagrange equations of the second kind was solves in the case of a homogenous, static, low-velocity system. The conditions under which the
system is stationary, and also accomplish «stable» and aperiodic oscillations was determined.
Keywords: free oscillations, dry friction, Amonton—Coulomb’s law.
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For citation: Komarov I. A., Makarov P. A., Ustyugov V. A. On the free mechanical vibrations in a drv-friction system, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2020, 3 (36), pp. 24-51.

III Suleimanova S.Sh. Dissipation of the energy of an alternating electric field in the half-space of an electron plasma with diffuse boundary conditions
DOI: 10.34130/1992-2752_2020_3_52
Suleymanova Sevda Shirin kyzy — Postgraduate Student, Bauman Moscow state Technical University (national research University), Moscow Polytechnic University, e-mail: sevda-s@yandex.ru
The magnitude of the absorption of the energy of the electromagnetic field in the half-space of the electron plasma is calculated. The case with an arbitrary degree of degeneracy of the electron gas is considered. To determine the absorption, a solution is used of the boundary-value problem
of the behavior (oscillations) of an electron plasma in a half-space with mirror boundary conditions for electrons. The Vlasov — Boltzmann kinetic equation with the collision integral of the BGK type (Bhatnagar, Gross, Kruk) and the Poisson equation for the electric field are applied. The
electron distribution function and the electric field inside the plasma are obtained in the form of expansions in eigen-solutions of the original system of equations. The coefficients of these expansions are found for the case of diffuse boundary conditions. The contribution of the surface to absorption is analyzed. Cases of various degrees of degeneracy of the electron gas are
considered. It is shown that the ratio of the frequency of changes in the electric field and the frequency of bulk electron collisions has a significant effect on the absorption of energy of the electric field near the surface.
Keywords: Vlasov-Boltzmann equation, collision frequency, electric field, Drude, Debye, van Campen modes, dispersion function.
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For citation: Suleimanova S.Sh. Dissipation of the energy of an alternating electric held in the half-space of an electron plasma with diffuse boundary conditions, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2020, 3 (36), pp. 52-63.

IV Odyniec W. Р. About some mathematicians from the Polytechnic Institute in Leningrad perished in 1941-1943
DOI: 10.34130/1992-2752_2020_3_64
Odyniec Vladimir — Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, e-mail: W.P.Odyniec@mail.ru
The life and work of several mathematicians from the Polytechnic Institute in prewar Leningrad are described. All of them (N. A. Rosenson, T. N. Blinchikov, A. C. Nvrkova, M. S. Eleckv, V. I. Nikonov, M. A. Gelbcke, N. N. Gernet) perished in 1941-1943.
Keywords: N. A. Rosenson, T. N. Blinchikov, A. G. Nyrkova, M. S. Elecky, V. I. Nikonov, M. A. Gelbcke, N. N. Gernet, Riemanni spaces of the 1st class, Warinng problem, asymptotics of iterated functions, Szasz problem, fractional parts of a function of two variables, calculus of variations, Lagrange series.
- Matematika v SSSR za sorok let. Biobibliografiya, T. 2 (The URSS Mathematics for forty years:1917-1957, Biobibliography, Vol. 2), M.: Fizmatlit, 1959, 819 p.
- Sinkevich G. I. Nikolai Maksimovich Gunter (1871-1941) (Nicholas Maximovich Giinther (1871-1941)), Matematika v vysshem obrazovanii, 17 (2019), pp. 123-146.
- Nauchnye rabotniki Leningrada (Members of staff of scientific for
Leningrad), L.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1934, 723 p. - Alersandrov A. D. Geometriva v Leningradskom universitete (The Geometry at Leningrad University), Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta, № 11, 1947, pp. 124-148.
- Odyniec W. P. О leningradskih matematikah, pogibshih v 1941-1944 godah (On some Leningrad based Mathematician perished in 1941-1944), Syktyvkar: Izd-vo SGU im. Pitirima Sorokina, 2020, 122 p.
- Dissertacii, zashtchishtchennye v Leningradskom ordena Lenina gosudarstvennom universitete im. A. A. Zhdanova v 1934~1954 gg (Bibliograficheskii ukazatel) ( Dissertations defended at the Leningrad State University named after A.A. Zhdanov decorated with to Order of long 1934-1954, (Bibliographical indicator), L.: Izdatelstvo Leningradskogo uni-ta, 1955.
- Rosenson N. A. Differencialnye invarianty Rimanova prostranstva (Differential invariants of a Riemann spaces), L.: Trudy LIL, Razdel Fiz.-mat., T. 10, > 3, 1936, pp. 57-75.
- Rosenson N. A. Differencialnye invarianty Rimanova prostranstva (Differential invariants of a Riemann spaces. Part II), L.: Trudy LIL, Razdel Fiz.-mat., T. 4, № 2, 1937, pp. 59-84.
- Rosenson N. A. Nekotorye neravenstva iz teorii kvadratichnyh form (Some inequality from the theory quadratic forms), L.: Trudy LIL, Razdel Fiz.-mat., T. 4, № 2, 1937, pp. 85-93.
- Trudy seminara ро vektornomu i tenzornomu analizu s ih prilozheniyami k geometrii, mehanike Ifizike, 6 (Proceedings of the seminar on vector and tensor analysis with its applications to geometry, mechanics and physics. 6), M.: OGIZ, Gos. izd-vo tehn.-teor,lit-rv, 1948, 515 p.
- Rosenson N. A. О Rimanovvh prostranstvah klassa 1 (Upon Riemann Spaces of the Class 1), Izvestiya AN SSSR, Ser. matem, 4, 1940, pp. 181-192.
- Rosenson N. A. О Rimanovvh prostranstvah klassa 1. Chast’ II (Upon Riemann Spaces of the Class 1. Part II), Izvestiya AN SSSR, Ser. matem. 5, 1941, pp. 325-351.
- Rosenson N. A. О Rimanovvh prostranstvah klassa 1. Chast’ III (Upon Riemann Spaces of the Class 1. Part III), Izvestiya AN SSSR, Ser. matem, 7, 1943, pp. 253-284.
- Kniga pamyati, Leningrad 1941-1945. Frunzenskiy rayon, T. 13 (The book of Memory, Leningrad 1941-1945, the Frunze district. Vol. 13), SPb.: Notabene, 1997. 515 p.
- Kagan V. F. Nina Arkad’evna Rosenson (1909-1942) (nekrolog), (Nina Arkadyevna Rosenson (1909-1942) (Obituary), Izvestiya AN SSSR, Ser. Matem., T. 7., vvp. 6, 1943, pp. 251-252.
- Blokada 1941-1944- Kniga pamyati, Leningrad, T. 25, P-R. (Prokof’evRessovskava) (Blockade 1941-1944. The book of Memory, Leningrad, Vol. 25), SPb.: Stella, 2005, 714 p.
- Dvadcat’ let inzhenerno-fizicheskogo fakulteta LII (The twenty years of the department of engineering and physics of Leningrad Industrial Institute), L.: Izdatelstvo LII, 1939, 68 p.
- Kniga pamyati (The book of Memory), Sostaviteli: S. A. Sirotkina, E. F. Tarasov, SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGTU, 2000, 90 p.
- Nyrkova A. G. О polozhitelhyh trigonometricheskih summah (On positive trigonometrical sums), L.: Trudy LIL, Razdel Fiz.-mat. 3:1,1939, pp. 5-10.
- Nyrkova A. G. Zadacha Szasz’a (Szasz Problem), L.: Trudy Politehnicheskogo instituta, 3, 1941, pp. 50-59.
- Nikonov V. I. Asimptoticheskie vyrazheniya iterirovannyh funkcyi (Asymptotic expressions to Iterated functions), L.: Trudy LIL Razdel Fiz.-mat, 5:1, 1938, pp. 33-56.
- Nikonov V. I. Integralnye predstavlenie nekotoryh trigonometricheskih polinomov kak sposob ih izucheniya (The integral representation of some trigonometric polynomials is a method of their study), L.: Trudy LII., Razdel Fiz.-mat., 3:1, 1939, pp. 11-15.
- Blokada 1941-1944- Kniga pamyati, Leningrad, T. 22, N-P (NikolaevaPavlova) (Blockade 1941-1944. The book of Memory, Leningrad, Vol. 22), SPb.: Stella, 2005, 716 p.
- Gelbcke M. A. Ob asimptoticheskom vyrazhenii summv drobnvh chastei funkcii dvuh peremennvh (On an asymptotic expression of the sum of fractional parts of a two-variable function), Zhurnal Leninqradskoqo Fiziko-matematicheskoqo obshtchestva, T. 1, Vyp. 2,
1927, pp. 281-298. - Gelbcke M. A. Otnositelno g(k) v problemie Varinga (Relating g(k) to Waring problem), Izvestiya AN SSSR, VII seriva, Otd. matematicheskih I estestvennvh nauk, 1933, vyp. 5, pp. 631-640.
- Trudy 2-go Vsesouznogo s’ezda matematikov (Leningrad, 24-30 iunya 1934), T. 1 Plenarnye i obzornye doklady (Proceedings of the 2nd All Union Congress of Mathematicians. Leningrad, June 24-30, 1934, Vol.l , Plenary and survey reports), L.-M.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1935, 469 p.
- Vachromeeva О. B. Professor matematiki Nadezhda Nikolaevna Gernet (1877-1943), (Professor of Mathematics Nadezhda Nikolaevna Gernet (1877-1943)), Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, № 4 (116), 2019, pp. 105-109.
For citation: Odvniec W. P. About some mathematicians from the Polytechnic Institute in Leningrad perished in 1941-1943, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2020, 3 (36), pp. 64-86.

V Yermolenko А. V., Ladanova S. V. Contact problem for two plates with different fixing
DOI: 10.34130/1992-2752_2020_3_87
Yermolenko Andrey — Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Head ofthe Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies in Education, Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, e-mail: ea74@list.ru
Ladanova Svetlana — Student, Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, e-mail: ea74@list.ru
An analytical solution for two plates is given using the classical theory of bending of flat plates. In this case, one plate is hinged, the second has a rigid fastening. It is shown that when using the Sophie Germain-Lagrange equation, contact reactions contain concentrated forces.
Keywords: plate, contact problem, Sophie Germain-Lagrange equation, analytical solution.
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For citation: Yermolenko А. V., Ladanova S. V. Contact problem for two plates with different fixing, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2020, 3 (36), pp. 87-92.