I. Makarov P.A., Ulyasheva M.A On the theory of dispersion of gyromagnetic waves in a medium with dissipation
Gyromagnetic waves propagating in a tangentially magnetized ferriteslab with bi-gyrotropic properties was considered. Dissipation of themagnetic permeability of the material was considered. In the DamonEshbach geometry a system of transcendental equations was obtained. Thissystem determines the dispersion of the wave vector components.
Keywords: gyromagnetic waves dispersion, dissipation.
1. Vinogradov A. P. Elektrodinamikakompozitnykhmaterialov (Electrodynamics of composite materials), M.: URSS, 2001, 207 p.
2. Barta O., et al. Magneto-optics in bi-gyrotropic garnet waveguide,
Opto-electronics review, vol.9, № 3, 2001, pp. 320–325.
3. Bukhanko A. F., SukstanskiiA. L. Optics of a ferromagnetic superlattice with noncollinear orientation of equilibrium magnetization vectors in layers, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 250, 2002, pp. 338–352.
4. Dadoenkova N. N., et al. Complex waveguide based on a magneto optic layer and a dielectric photonic crystal, Superlattices and Microstructures, vol. 100, 2016, pp. 45–56.
5. Eliseeva S. V., Sannikov D. G., Sementsov D. I. Anisotropy, gyrotropy and dispersion properties of the periodical thin-layer structure of magnetic-semiconductor, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 322, 2010, pp. 3807–3816.
6. Rychly J. et al. Magnonic crystals — Prospective structures for shaping spin waves in nanoscale, Low Temperature Physics, vol. 41, № 10, 2015, pp. 745–759.
7. Eritsyan O. S. Opticheskiyezadachielektrodinamikigirotropnykhsred (Optical problems in the electrodynamics of gyrotropic media), UspekhiFizicheskikhNauk, v. 138, № 4, 1982, pp. 645–674.
8. Shavrov V. G., Shcheglov V. I. Magnitostaticheskiyeielektromagnitnyyevolny v slozhnykhstrukturakh (Magnetostatic and electromagnetic waves in complex structures), M.: FIZMATLIT, 2017, 360 p.
For citation:
Makarov P.A., Ulyasheva M.A. On the theory of dispersion of gyromagnetic waves in a medium with dissipation, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2019, 4 (33), pp. 3–20.

II. Melnikov V. A. Development Process of game engine core for 2D games and interfaces Sad Lion Engine
Game engine core, written in C++, was released as a result of work. Currently, working with this core is quite difficult because of language specific. Further development of tools for reducing difficulty is planned. In next versions realization of tools for previewing of page layoputs also is planned. Also in future changing Skia with custom rendering core with tessalator for vector graphics is planned< due to needs of optimizations of concrete projects.
Keywords: C++, game development, game engines, interfaces, game engine architecture.
1. Nystrom R. Game programming patterns, San Bernardino: Genever Benning, 2018, 345 p.
2. Gregory J. Game engine architecture, 3rd edition, Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2019, p. 1200.
3. Ierusalimschy R. ProgrammirovanienayazykeLua, 3-e izdanie, (Programming in Lua. 3rd ed.), M.: DMK Press, 2016, 382 p.
4. Nagel C. Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0, Indianopolis: Wrox, 2016, p. 1464.
5. Schreier J. Krov, pot ipikseli. Obratnayastoronaindustriivideoigr (Blood, Sweat, and Pixels: The Triumphant, Turbulent Stories Behind How Video Games Are Made), M.: Bombore, 2019, 363 p.
6. Clayton J. Metal programming guide, Addison-Wesley, 2018, 352 p.
7. Sellers G. Vulkan Programming Guide. The Official Guide to Learning, Vulkan, Boston, Columbus, Indianapolis, New York, San Francisco, Amsterdam, Cape Town Dubai, London, Madrid, Milan, Munich, Paris, Montreal, Toronto, Delhi, Mexico City S?o Paulo, Sydney, Hong Kong, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei, Tokyo: Addison-Wesley, 2017, 480 p.
8. Berg M., Duffy S., Moakley B., Van de Kerckhove E., Uccello A. Unity games by tutorials, Razeware LLC, 2017, 634 p.
9. Hocking J. Unity in action, M., SPb., Nizhnijnovgorod, Voronezh, Kiev, Ekaterinburg, Samara, Minsk: Piter, 2018, 334 p.
10. Petzold C. Cross-platform C# programming for iOS, Android and Windows, Redmond, Washington: Microsoft Press, 1161 p.
11. West M. Evolve your hierarchy, Intel Game Dev, URL: https: //software.intel.com/en-us/articles/parallel-techniques-in-modelingparticle-systems-using-vulkan-api (date of the application: 16.11.2019).
12. Stroustrup B. The C++ programming language, 4th edition, Uppder Saddle River, Boston, Indianopolis, San Francisco, New York, Toronto, Montral, London, Munich, Paris, Madrid, Capetown, Sydney, Tokyo, Singapore, Mexico city: Addison-Wesley, 2013, 1345 p.
13. O’Dwyer A. Osvaivaem C++17 STL (Mastering the C++17 STL), M.: DMK, 2019, 351 p.
14. Rago S. А., Stevens R. W. Professional’noeprogrammirovanie UNIX (Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment), M., SPb.: Simvol, 2014, 1100 p.
15. Seeman M. Dependency Infection in .NET, Shelter Island, New York: Manning Publication, 2011, 584 p.
For citation:Melnikov V. A. Development Process of game engine core for 2D games and interfaces Sad Lion Engine, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2019, 4 (33), pp. 21–37.

III. Voevodin V. A., Arzumanyan E. A., Ganenkov D. S., Chumakov A. A. About the mathematical model of assessing the availability of information in the automated process control system. Statement oftheproblem-solvingmethods
Based on the analysis of activities on organization of information security audit is the formulation of scientific tasks to assess the accessibility of information in automated control system of technological processes of practical relevance. The main provisions of the methodological approach to solving the problem are presented. To solve the problem, a working hypothesis was put forward about the feasibility of assessing the availability of information using the number of managed Executive objects. It is reported about the limitations of the technique, the directions of further research are indicated.
Keywords: availability, information, automated control system, technological processes, Executive object, computer model.
1. «O bezopasnostikriticheskoyinformatsionnoyinfrastrukturyRossiyskoyFederatsii» ot 26.07.2017 N 187-FZ: feder. zakonot 26 iyulya 2017 g. № 187-FZ: [prinyatGos. Dumoy 12 iyulya 2012 g.: odobrenSovetomFederatsii 19 iyulya 2017 g.] («On security of critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation» dated 26.07.2017 N 187-FZ: Feder. law No. 187-FZ of 26 July 2017: [adopted by the state Duma on 12 July 2012: approved by the Federation Council on 19 July 2017]) [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_220885/ (date of the application: 07.11.2019).
2. Makarenko S. I. Audit bezopasnostikriticheskoyinfrastrukturyspetsial’nymiinformatsionnymivozdeystviyami (Security Audit of critical infrastructure by special information impacts), Monograph, SPb.: Science-intensive technologies, 2018, 122 p.
3. GOST R ISO 19011-2012g. Rukovodyashchiyeukazaniyapoauditusistemmenedzhmenta. Vved. 2012-07-19 № 196-st (GOST R ISO 19011-2012. Guidelines for audit of management systems), No. 2012- 07-19 № 196-art, M.: STANDARTINFORM, 2019, 75 p.
4. Voyevodin V. A., Kikot’ I. R. Dostupnost’ informatsiiiinformatsionnykhservisovsetisvyazi. Otsenkaslozhnostimodelirovaniya. Sborniknauchnykhtrudov (Availability of information and information services of the communication network. Estimation of modeling complexity. Collection of scientific papers), pod nauchn. N. I. Bayandina: in 2 t, Moscow FGBOU VO «REU them. G. V. Plekhanova»,2018, pp. 140–146.
5. «O zashchitepravyuridicheskikhlits i individual’nykhpredprinimateleypriosushchestvleniigosudarstvennogokontrolya (nadzora) i munitsipal’nogokontrolya» :feder. zakonot 26 dekabrya 2008 g. № 294-FZ: [prinyatGos. Dumoy 19 dekabrya 2008 g.: odobrenSovetomFederatsii 22 iyulya 2008 g.] («On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control» :Feder. law No. 294-FZ of 26 December 2008: [adopted by the state Duma on 19 December 2008: approved by the Federation Council on 22 July 2008]), [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_ LAW_83079/ (date of the application: 07.11.2019).
6. Avduyevskiy B. C., Kuznetsov V. I., Kuznetsov N. D., etc. Nadezhnost’ ieffektivnost’ v tekhnike: Spravochnik (Reliability and efficiency in technology: Handbook), in 10 vols, vol. 5, Project reliability analysis, Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1988, pp. 58–124.
7. Avduevsky B. C., Kuznetsov V. I., Kuznetsov N. D., etc. Nadezhnost’ ieffektivnost’ v tekhnike: Spravochnik (Reliability and efficiency in technology: Handbook), in 10 vols, vol. 2. Mathematical methods in the theory of reliability and efficiency. Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1987, 280 p.
8. GOST R 57412-2017. Komp’yuternyyemodeli v protsessakhrazrabotki, proizvodstvaiekspluatatsiiizdeliy. Obshchiye polozheniya. Vved. 2017-03-10 № 110-st (GOST R 57412-2017. Computer models inthe development, production and operation of products. Generalities. No. 2017-03-10 no. 110-art), M.: STANDARTINFORM, 2018, 15 p.
For citation:Voevodin V. A., Arzumanyan E. A., Ganenkov D. S., Chumakov A. A. About the mathematical model of assessing the availability of information in the automated process control system. Statementof the problem-solving methods, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2019, 4 (33), pp. 38–54.

IV. Golchevskiy Yu. V., Schukin V. K. The enterprise transition method to new software operation
The paper is devoted to the problem of reducing risks arising during the enterprise transition to new software operation, based on the implementation of a consistent set of measures. The necessity of these steps is discussed. An example of testing the proposed algorithm is given.
Keywords: software, organization, transition, product, enterprise transition to new software operation.
1. Golchevskiy Yu. V., Maldrik A. V. Pyat’ shagovnaputi k effektivnoyinformatizatsiipredpriyatiya (Five steps to effectiveenterprise informatization), Prikladnayainformatika (Applied Informatics), 2013, No 3(45), pp. 23–35.
2. Torosyan Ye. K., Toropchinova A. D. Voprosyupravleniyariskami IT-proyektovpriperekhodenanovoyeprogrammnoyeobespecheniye v sovremennykhusloviyakh (Risk management issues of ITprojects during the transition to new software in modern conditions), Peterburgskiyekonomicheskiyzhurnal (Petersburg Economic Journal ), 2018, No 3, pp. 105–109.
3. Secret Net Studio. URL: https://www.securitycode.ru/products/secret–net–studio/ (date of the application: 16.06.2019).
4. Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows. URL: https://forum. kasperskyclub.ru/wiki/Kaspersky_Endpoint_ Security_for_Windows (date of the application: 16.06.2019).
For citation:Golchevskiy Yu. V., Schukin V. K. The enterprise transition method to new software operation, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1:Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2019, 4 (33), pp. 55–67.

V. Оleneva N. R., Semyashkina D. S. Possibilities of solving by information systems problems of information security events management in organizations
The paper discusses the possibilities of implementing measures to identify information security incidents by registering security events aboutpotential threats and vulnerabilities in the organization’s information systems. The functional advantages of SIEM-systems are observed.
Keywords: security analytics, information systems monitoring, information security incidents, security event gathering, threat, vulnerability.
1. Drozd Aleksey, Obzor SIEM-sistemnamirovomirossiyskomrynke (Overview of SIEM systems in the world and Russian markets) [Electronic resource], Anti-Malware site: Access mode: https://www.antimalware.ru/ analytics/Technology_Analysis/ Overview_SECURITY_systems_global_and_Russian_market (date of the application: 09.12.2019).
2. Shaburov A. S., Borisov V. I., Razrabotkamodelizashchityinformatsiikorporativnoysetinaosnovevnedreniya SIEM-sistemy (Development of a corporate network information security model based on the implementation of the SIEM system), Bulletin of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Electrical engineering, information technology, control systems, 2016, No 19, pp. 111–124 [Electronic resource], Scientific electronic library «CyberLenink». Access Mode: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/razrabotka-modelizaschity-informatsii-korporativnoy-seti-na-osnove-vnedreniyasiem-sistemy/viewer (date of the application: 09.12.2019).
3. UkazPrezidenta RF ot 05.12.2016 N 646 «Ob utverzhdeniiDoktrinyinformatsionnoybezopasnostiRossiyskoyFederatsii» (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05.12.2016 N 646 «On approvalof the Doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation») [Electronic resource], Website Consultant Plus. Access Mode: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_208191/ (date of the application: 09.12.2019).
4. SIEM dlyaobespecheniyabezopasnostinaosnoveanalitiki (SIEM for security based on analytics) [Electronic resource], Splunk company website: Access mode: https://www.splunk.com/ru_ru/products/ premium-solutions/splunk-enterprise security.html (date of the application: 09.12.2019).
5. Na strazhebezopasnosti: IBM QRadar SIEM (Security Watch: IBM QRadar SIEM) [Electronic resource], Habr website: Access mode: https://habr.com/company/muk/blog/325330/ (date of the application: 09.12.2019).
6. HP Arcsight [Electronic resource], Hewlett Packard Enterprise website: Access mode: http://arcsight-russia.ru/products-hp-arcsight/productshp-arcsight (date of the application: 09.12.2019).
7. AlienVault Unified Security Management [Electronic resource], Alien Vault website: Access mode: https://alienvault.ru/products/ (date of the application: 09.12.2019).
8. COMRAD [Electronic resource], Echelon: Access mode: https://npoechelon.ru/production/65/11174 (date of the application: 09.12.2019).
9. MaxPatrol SIEM [Electronic resource], SIEM: Access mode: http://siem.su/MaxPatrol_SIEM.php (date of the application:09.12.2019).
10. Saprykina Anastasia, ObzormirovogoirossiyskogorynkaSIEMsistem 2017 (Overview of the global and Russian market of SIEM systems 2017) [Electronic resource], Anti-Malware site: Access mode: https://www.anti-malware.ru/analytics/Market_Analysis/overviewglobal-and- russian-market-siem (date of the application: 09.12.2019).
11. Security Capsule SIEM [Electronic resource], ITB LLC: Access mode: https://www.itb.spb.ru/docs/SC/Security_Capsule_SIEM_ Description_of_application.pdf (date of the application: 09.12.2019).
For citation:Оleneva N. R., Semyashkina D. S. Possibilities of solving by information systems problems of information security events management in organizations, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2019, 4 (33), pp. 68–85.

VI. Yermolenko A. V., Osipov K. S. On using Python libraries to calculate plates
This article provides an example of calculating the elastic mechanics problem of calculating plate deflection under load using NumPy, SciPy packages and visualizing the result using the MatPlotLib package.
Keywords: Python, numerical methods, elastic body mechanics.
1. Vander PlasDzh. Python dlyaslozhnykhzadach. Nauka o dannykhimashinnoyeobucheniye (Python for complex tasks. Data Science and Machine Learning), St. Petersburg: Peter, 2018, 576 p.
2. Yermolenko A. V. Raschetkruglykhplastinpoutochnennymteoriyam (Calculation of round plates according to revised theories), Bulletin of Syktyvkar University, Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2006, № 6, pp. 78–86.
3. Mihajlovskii E. I., Badokin K. V., Yermolenko A. V. TeorijaizgibaplastintipaKarmana bez gipotezKirhgofa (The theory of bending of Karman-type plates without the Kirchhoff’s hypotheses), Bulletin of Syktyvkar University, Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 1999, № 3, pp. 181–202.
For citation: Yermolenko A. V., Osipov K. S. On using Python libraries to calculate plates, Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2019, 4 (33), pp. 86–95.

VII. Shilov S. V. The use of explosion calculations in Excel when teaching bachelors in the direction of «technosphere safety»
The paper proposes a method of using the Excel program in order to train bachelors in the direction of «technosphere security». Using this method, students will more deeply master the methods of calculations, learn how to enter formulas and competently design sections of the spreadsheet, as well as display hazardous areas on the map.
Keywords:technosphere safety, Excel, explosion calculation.
1. Volkov O. M., Proskuryakov G. A. Pozharnayabezopasnost’ napredpriyatiyakhtransportaikhraneniyaneftiinefteproduktov (Fire safety at the enterprises of transport and storage of oil and oil products), M.: Nedra, 1981, 256 p.
2. Pozharovzryvozashchita: uchebnoyeposobiye (Fire and explosion protection: study guide), compilers.: A. I. Sechin, O. S. Kirmakova, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2015, 248 p.
3. Hramov G. N. Goreniyeivzryv (Burning and explosion), SaintPetersburg, St. Petersburg State Technical University Publ, 2007, 278 p.
4. Kompleksprognozirovaniyachrezvychaynykhsituatsiy (Complex of forecasting of emergency situations), URL: https://gisinfo.ru/products/ emergency.htm (date of the application: 25.09.2019).
5. Programma «Deflagratsiya» (The Program «Deflagration»), URL: http://www.titan-optima.ru/programm/deflagrodisgroup.ru (date of the application: 25.09.2019).
6. Programma «Toksi+» (The Program «Toxi+»), URL: https://www.softsalad.ru/software (date of the application: 25.09.2019).
7. Rukovodstvopobezopasnosti «Metodikaotsenkiposledstviyavariynykhvzryvovtoplivno-vozdushnykhsmesey» (Safety Guide «Methods for assessing the effects of emergency explosions of fuel-air mixtures») Series 27. Issue 15. Moscow, Closed Joint Stock Company «Scientific and Technical Center for the Study of Industrial Safety Problems», 2015, 44 p.
8. Shilov S. V. Modelirovaniyeopasnykhfaktorovvzryvaavtotsistern s szhizhennymgazom (The calculation of hazardous areas explosionof tanks with liquefied gas), Mathematical modeling and information technologies: national (all-Russian) scientific conference (6-8 December 2018, Syktyvkar): collection of materials, Executive editor. A. V. Ermolenko, Syktyvkar: Publishing house of SSU PitirimaSorokina, 2018, pp. 49–51.
9. Carlsberg K. Regressionnyyanaliz v Microsoft Excel (Regression analysis in Microsoft Excel), Moscow: Dialectics, 2017, 400 p.
For citation:Shilov S. V. The use of explosion calculations in Excel when teaching bachelors in the direction of «technosphere safety», Bulletin of Syktyvkar University. Series 1: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2019, 4 (33), pp. 96–113.