I A word about Mikhailovsky Evgeny Ilyich

II Prof. EI Mikhailovsky from prof. V. F. Demyanova

III Mikhailovskii E. I. Mechanics of shells

IV Belyaeva N. A., Pryanishnikova E. A. Mathematical modeling in the extrusion

V Yermolenko A. V. On analitical solution of the contact problem

VI Maloxemov V. N. On the fortieth anniversary of MDM-method

VII Tarasov V. N., Andryukova V. Yu. On stability behavior of a toroidal shell with a one-sided reinforcement

VIII Vechtomov E. M., Lubiagina E. N. Semirings of sc-functions

IX Golovneva E. V. A class of matrices with diagonall domination

X Grytczuk A. Ankeny, Artin and Chowla conjecture for even generators

XI Mekler A. A. On Marcinkiewicz Modulars on [0, 1] and [0,∞)

XII Mironov V. V., Mayburov A. S. The method of nonlinear integral equations in the problem of bending of a closed cylindrical shell with rigidly clamped edges

XIII Nikitenkov V. L., Jidkova O. A., Shekhurdina E. S. The boundaries of finding the critical force in the environment multimoduls

XIV Popova N. K., Ogirchyk T. A. 3D animation and simulation of an object with Autodesk 3ds Max 2009

XV Odynec W. P. Returning to H. Kummer

XVI Poroshkina A.A., Poroshkin A.G. Three counterexamples in analysis